Code of conduct


  1. Students must be punctual and regular in attending classes, tutorials, class tests examinations etc. Failure to obtain the required attendance percentage, non-submission of assignments and unjustified absence from tests /examinations will be treated as breaching the code of conduct.
  2. Student must be seated in their classrooms at the beginning of each period. They must not enter or leave the class room without permission of the lecturer.
  3. Impersonation during roll call is a punishable offence.
  4. Use of Mobile Phone during class hours is prohibited and is liable for punishment.
  5. Resorting to any kind of malpractice (copying, impersonation, use of unfair means, exchanging answer-sheets) during examinations will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely.
  6. Students should carefully follow the Notices put up on the Notice Board (both online and offline). No excuse will be considered if Notices on the Board are ignored.
  7. When a lecturer is absent or is unable to take class, students should maintain a strict order among themselves so as to not disturb the adjoining classes. Under no circumstances should they leave the classroom without ascertaining the relieve orders from the Staff room.
  8. Students are expected to treat the members of the staff both teaching and non teaching and their fellow students with courtesy both in and outside the College. Students shall not, by their act or conduct, cause damage to the reputation of the institution.
  9. Students are expected to come to College dressed suitably maintaining decency.
  10. Students must wear and display visibly their Identity Cards at the gate while entering the College and always keep it on your person during College hours inside the campus.
  11. Students are not allowed to loiter or stand about the verandas or corridors of the College during class hours.
  12. When assembled every class must consider itself responsible for the conduct of its members.
  13. Students are forbidden from inviting friends from other institutions and outsiders to the College.
  14. No posters are to be pasted or fixed with cellotape anywhere on the College walls. Any writing, scribbling on the walls will attract disciplinary measures against the student.
  15. Smoking, chewing and spitting tobacco products or pan masala, consumption of alcohol or narcotic drugs is strictly prohibited inside the college premises. Violation of this rule will invite disciplinary action. The college premises is a smoking free zone, respect it.
  16. Students must refrain from mishandling and tampering with library books or college computer systems.
  17. The right to access Girl’s Common Room is reserved to girls.
  18. A student shall not commit or cause breach of peace inside and around the College campus.
  19. Students are prohibited from indulging in games, even in small groups, anywhere in the College premises during lecture hours.
  20. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited. Disciplinary action will be taken against those who violate this rule. It is mandatory for all students and guardians to sign an affidavit in the pro forma prescribed by the University of Calcutta related to ragging.



The code of conduct prescribed by the affiliating university SPPU, for the teachers will be followed by the institute. This code of conduct is available on the website of university and also given at end of this document for reference.

In addition the institute being quality conscious and tries to keep the pace with professional development, own code of conduct for the teachers has been prescribed as given below

Teacher and College:

  • Be punctual and regular in teaching work, correspondence with others and keeping appointments with other persons.
  • Cooperate with the head of the Institute/Department and colleagues for curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities
  • All Teachers must be punctual, sincere and regular in their approach and devote their time and their best efforts for the progress of the Institute
  • Teacher efforts should be dedicated towards enhancing the overall quality of the education
  • The teacher should regularly update his/her knowledge by attending FDPs and STTPs and keep pace with the advent of technology
  • The teacher should engage in research and development activities by working on research projects
  • The teacher should increase the use of ICT tools to enrich the teaching –learning process
  • The teacher should interact with industries with an aim to intensify industry institute interaction

Teachers and Students

  • Aid students to develop an understanding and appreciation towards opportunities and also responsibilities.
  • Acquaint students with civic responsibilities and environmental protection.
  • Guide the students in their physical, social, intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual development.

Teacher and Parents

  • Deal justly and impartially regardless of parents’ social, economical, regional and religious background.
  • Provide information regularly to parents regarding the attainments and shortfalls of the wards.
  • Be responsible and interact positively with parents.

Teacher and Colleagues

  • Guide and help junior colleagues and those in training and induction in all possible ways.
  • Avoid making derogatory statements about colleagues.
  • Treat the colleagues with equality and respect.

Teacher and Teaching Profession

  • Accept as a professional the individual responsibility of reporting to the concerned authorities in an appropriate manner all matters that are considered to be prejudicial to the interests of the students and the development of the institute
  • No teacher should involve himself or herself in any form of political activity inside or outside the campus.
  • Finding of his/her research should be published in quality journals recognized by Scopus/Web of Science Index International / Indian Journals, Magazines and Periodicals.

Teacher and Society/ Nation

  • Behave in the society by preserving moral and ethical values
  • Should not engage in any act that will spoil the image of the teaching profession and the institute
  • Render possible assistance to the development of the Society and use knowledge and skill for enhancement of human welfare.

Teacher and Professional Organizations

  • Maintain active membership in professional organizations through active participations and strive hard to attain the objectives and goals of such organizations.